Course Calendar for Math 227

It is expected that you read all the sections to be covered BEFORE the class and come to class prepared to work on related problems
Check this page regularly for updates.

Date Section/Topic/Reading/Video Assignments Written Homework
Tue, Jan 18

Introduction to the subject. Course policies and procedures. First Day Slides

Read Preface and Introduction. Video1: What is combinatorics.    Video2 (The youtube channel of all textbook videos)

Thu, Jan 20

Section 1.1: Induction, Section 1.2: Strong Induction   Quiz1    Slides

In-class: P1.1.2, P1.1.5, P1.1.6, P1.1.15, P1.1.22, P1.2.2, P1.2.3, P1.2.5

Due: Jan 25: P1.1.1, P1.1.10, P1.1.12, P1.1.20, P1.1.23, P1.2.1, P1.2.6

Tue, Jan 25

Secion 1.3: Recurrence Relations   Slides     Quiz 2

In-class: P1.3.1,P1.3.4, P1.3.5,   P1.3.11, P1.3.14, P1.3.16

Due: Feb 1: P1.3.8, P1.3.9,P1.3.10
Thu, Jan 27

Section 2.1: The Pigeonhole Principle including E-S Theorem     Quiz 3     Slides

In-class: P2.1.1-P2.1.8, P2.1.13, P2.1.27, P2.1.28, P2.130

Due: Feb 1: P2.1.9, P2.1.11, P2.1.12
Tue, Feb 1

Section 2.2: Multisets & Graphs
(+ intro to Ramsey Theory) Quiz 4     Slides

In-class: P2.2.1-P2.2.6

Due: Feb 8: P2.2.7, P2.2.8, P2.2.9, P2.2.15
Thu, Feb 3

Section 2.3:Ramsey Theory (video1:What is RT, video2: RT for 2 colors) Quiz 5     Slides

In-class: P2.3.1-P2.3.6, P2.3.10-P2.3.12

Due: Feb 8: P2.3.7, P2.3.8, P2.3.9
Tue, Feb 8

Sections 3.1 and 3.2 (no video) Quiz 6     Slides

In-class: P3.1.1-P3.1.9, P3.2.1-P3.2.4, P3.2.6

Due: Feb 15: P3.1.11, P3.1.12, P3.1.14, P3.2.8, P3.2.9
Thu, Feb 10

Sections 3.3 and 3.4. Video on bijections. Quiz 7    Slides

In-class: P3.3.1-P3.3.3, P3.4.1-P3.4.9, P3.4.14, P3.4.17

Due: Feb 15: P3.3.4, P3.4.10,P3.14.12,P3.4.16
Tue, Feb 15

Sections 4.1 and 4.2. Permutations, Circular Permutations, Combinations, Quiz 8

In-class: P4.1.1-P4.1.6, P4.1.13,P4.1.17, P4.2.1-P4.2.4, P4.2.6, P4.2.7

Due: Feb 22: P4.1.9, P4.1.10, P4.1.14, P4.2.5, P4.2.8, P4.2.24
Thu, Feb 17

Section 4.3 Video Lesson   Quiz 9   Slides

In-class: P4.3.1-P4.3.3, P4.3.5-P4.3.7, P4.3.10, P4.3.12, P4.3.13

Due: Feb 22: P4.3.11, P4.3.14, P4.3.17
Tue, Feb 22

Section 4.4 Video Lesson Quiz 10 Slides

In-class: P4.4.1-P4.4.3, P4.4.4, P4.4.6-P4.4.9, P4.4.11 [+P4.4.13, P4.5.1]

Due: March1: P4.4.10, P4.4.12, P4.4.14
Thu, Feb 24

Section 5.1 Quiz 11 Slides

In-class: P5.1.1-P5.1.3, P5.1.5-P5.1.7, P5.1.10-P5.1.13

Due: March1: P5.1.4, P5.1.8, P5.1.9
Tue, March 1

Sections 5.2 and 5.3. Quiz 12. Slides

In-class: P5.2.1-P5.2.6, P5.3.1-P5.3.3

Study for the exam, not to be collected:

P5.2.9, P5.2.12-P5.2.15, P5.3.4-P5.3.7

Thu, March 3 Midterm Exam Study the problems in 4.5 to prep for the test.


Tue, March 22

Mini-Project 1: Counting MC Triangles (p 103-5). Answer questions MP1.1-MP1.6 before class. Quiz 13. Slides

Due: March 29: Mini-Project Write-Up. Submit to Moodle.
Thu, March 24

Section 6.1 Video Lesson1, Video Lesson2 Quiz 14. Slides

In-class: P6.1.1-P6.1.8, P6.1.10, + 14,16,29

Due: March 31: P6.1.11, P6.1.12, P6.1.13
Tue, March 29

Sections 6.2 and 6.3. Quiz 15. Slides

In-class: P6.2.1-P6.2.3,P6.2.5-P6.2.7, P6.3.1, P6.3.8, P6.3.9

Due: Apr 7: P6.2.8, P6.2.10, P6.2.11, P6.2.12, P6.3.8
Thu, March 31

Section 7.1 Quiz 16 Slides

In-class: P7.1.1-P7.1.3, P7.1.6-P7.1.9, P7.1.11.

Due: Apr 7: P7.1.4, P7.1.5, P7.1.12
Tue, Apr 5

Section 8.1 Video Lesson   Quiz 17 Slides

In-class: P8.1.1-P8.1.6, P8.1.10, P8.1.15, P8.1.19.

Due: Apr 12: P8.1.7- P8.1.9
Thu, Apr 7

Sections 8.2 and 8.3,  Quiz 18 Slides

In-class: P8.2.1-P8.2.3, P8.3.1-P8.3.3, P8.3.4.

Due: Apr 12: P8.2.4, P8.3.6,P8.3.9,
Tue, Apr 12

Section 9.1. Watch 3 videos: V1   V2   V3 Quiz 19 Slides

In-class: P9.1.1-P9.1.6, P9.1.11-P9.1.13

Due: Apr 19: P9.1.14, P9.1.15,P9.1.18,P9.1.20
Thu, Apr 14

Section 9.2. Watch 2 videos: V1   V2 Quiz 20 Slides

In-class: P9.2.1-P9.2.5, P9.2.9, P9.2.15, P9.2.16 (Sample Maple file)

Due: Apr 19: P9.2.7, P9.2.14,P9.2.18
Tue, Apr 19

Section 9.3. Quiz 21 Slides

In-class: P9.3.1-P9.3.9

Due: Apr 21: P9.3.10, P9.3.12,P9.3.14
Thu, Apr 21

Section 10.1. Quiz 22 Slides

In-class: P10.1.1-P10.1.4, P10.1.7-P10.9, P10.1.11, P10.1.12

Take Home exam distributed. Due, Tue Apr 26
Tue, Apr 26

Section 10.2 (be sure to read thru page 376). Quiz 23 Slides

In-class: P10.2.1-P10.2.10

Due: May 5: P10.2.11, P10.2.14, P10.2.19


Thu, Apr 28

Section 10.3 and 10.4. Quiz 24 Slides

In-class: P10.3.1-P10.3.3; P10.4.1-P10.4.3, P10.4.5- P10.4.7

Due: May 5: P10.3.8, P10.4.17,P10.4.18,P10.4.19

Submit the complete draft to Moodle.

Tue, May 3

Final Project Presentations (moved to Thu, May 5). Presentation Feedback Form

Submit your presentation to Moodle
Thu, May 5

Final Project Presentations. Presentation Feedback Form Come to class at 12:25 pm

Submit your presentation to Moodle

Monday, May 9: The final paper is due at 9:30 pm. Submit to Moodle