Lab 2-1

Due: Tue, Feb 5, 11:59pm



Programming Project 7 in Chp 3 of the Textbook

Your program should give an appropriate error if the input is not a valid four-digit year between 1000 and 3000.

Below is a sample run:
    Conversion of Arabic Number to Roman Number Format   
    Enter ARABIC YEAR NUMBER between 1000 and 3000 you want to convert: 1957     
    In Roman Numeral Format:  MCMLVII     
    Try Again?[y/n]: y  
    Enter ARABIC YEAR NUMBER between 1000 and 3000 you want to convert: 2016    
    In Roman Numeral Format:  MMXVI     

    Try Again?[y/n]: y   
    Enter ARABIC YEAR NUMBER between 1000 and 3000 you want to convert: 265  
    Number should be between 1000 and 3000       

    Try Again?[y/n]: y   
    Enter ARABIC YEAR NUMBER between 1000 and 3000 you want to convert: 1245     
    In Roman Numeral Format:  MCCXLV     

   Try Again?[y/n]: n   Thank You!

Turn in

Coding Requirements:

    Remember: You need to follow the guidelines on Program Style described in section 2.5 of the textbook. ( See guidelines here).

Grading Table

Requirement Grading Comments Points Score
Run examples with correct output on required trial data   50  
Good clean, easy to understand input and output format   15  
Complete source code with good formatting, variable names, and comments   10  
Total   75