Lab 1-2

Due Jan 31, 11:59pm




Write a C++ program which takes a 4-digit number (integer) as input from the user and prints the number in reverse order. For example, if the number entered is 5678 then the output should be 8765. The program should repeat this until the user decides to quit.

You need to pay attention to the following:

  1. Provide appropriate comments in your code
  2. Use meaningful identifiers
  3. Don't take the input as a sequence of characters. Take it as a single integer. Also, construct the output as a single integer, as opposed to printing it digit by digit.
  4. Your program should give a warning message if the number (value) is not a 4-digit number. For example, 0345 is not considered to be a 4-digit number.
  5. Your program should not be case-sensitive for the user choice i.e. both Q and q are should be acceptable quit.
  6. You may assume that when asked to enter a 4-digit number, the user enters a positive integer (as opposed to other kind of data, such as a character)
  7. When the last digit (units) of the input is 0, the reverse is not a 4-digit number. So it is Ok to report the reverse as a 3-digit number in that case.
Here is a typical dialogue for this program:
Input a 4 digit Number to Reverse and press Enter: 452 
This is not a 4-digit number:452  
Input a 4 digit Number to Reverse and press Enter: 56789  
This is not a 4-digit number:56789 
Input a 4 digit Number to Reverse and press Enter: 1432  
New Reversed Number is:  2341  
Enter Q to quit, enter any letter to continue n  
Input a 4 digit Number to Reverse and press Enter: 4325 
New Reversed Number is:  5234  Enter Q to quit, enter any letter to continue  Q  
Thanks for playing!  

Important hint


Feature %
Program correctness and completeness with respect to specifications 70%
Code Format (Indenting, variable names) 10%
Code Comments 10%
A document showing all complete run outputs for the test cases given. 10%

Turn in

Coding Requirements:

  1. Follow the guidelines on Program Style described in section 2.5 of the textbook. ( See guidelines here).

Test Cases

Run the program for the following data, turning in a document will all run data (as a Word, text or pdf document)

Trial Input number
1 1554
2 16778
3 53
4 4856
5 9137

Grading Table

Requirement Grading Comments Points Score
Correct output on required trial data   50  
Good clean, easy to understand Input and output operations   10  
Complete source code   10  
Appropriate code formatting (indenting, whitespace)   5  
Good identifier names   5  
Description Comments on top   5  
Section comments throughout   5  
Document wth trial runs included   10  
Total   100