Lab 6 Part 2: Vectors

Due: Wed, Apr 4, 11:59 pm (extended by 24 hours)

Write a program that asks user to enter students (name and score; grade should be determined on the basis of score). Student will be a class as in Lab 5. Each time ask the user whether s/he wants to add another student (do not ask how many students the user wants to enter). Store the students in a vector (so you will continuously grow the vector). After the user finishes entering students, the program should report how many students have been entered and what the average score is. It should also sort the students (and print out the info) in descending order of scores. Note: Unlike arrays, a vector argument is not automatically call-by-reference. Pay attention to this when sorting the vector of students.

As usual, you will be graded on the following criteria: fulfillment of all requirements in problem statements, correct output, good user interface, good coding style and formatting. 100 points.