Programming Assignments for SCMP 118, Spring 2017

Make sure you save your programs in your folder in P drive before the deadline and make sure it compiles in Dev-C++.

Having it elsewhere (e.g. in your H drive, or personal computer) does not help. Do NOT modify after the deadline

Lab 0: Due Tue, Jan 24, 11:59 pm

0) Do the programming projects 6,7, 9, 10 on pages 36-37. Use the program in Display 1.8 as a model (source code available). Do this for yourself, do NOT turn in.

i) Do the programming project 5 on page 36. Use the program in Display 1.8 as a model. Submit your program (save it in your class folder in P drive) by midnight Tue Jan 24. Do NOT modify the program after that time. (20 pts)

ii) Do the programming project 8 on page 37. Use the program in Display 1.8 as a model. Submit your program (save it in your class folder in P drive) by midnight Tue Jan 24. Do NOT modify the program after that time. (20 pts)