SCMP 118: Introduction to Programming (with C++), Spring 2015

"Learning to program teaches you how to think. Computer science is a liberal art." Steve Jobs
This article by a former Kenyon student is very interesting. Highly recommended.

Instructor: Noah Aydin
Office/Phone: RBH 319 / 5674
Office Hours: MW 10-noon, and by appointment
Textbook: Problem Solving with C++ 7th ed, by Walter Savitch. Here is the link and Video Notes for support materials for the textbook.
Room & Time: PRCL 109, 9:40-11 Tuesday and Thursday.

Syllabus: We will cover most of Chapters 1-8, 10-12,14 of the textbook and perhaps get started on Chapter 15.

Software: We will be using the Dev-C++ compiler (free software). Also, you can post your questions about Dev-C++ to the discussion group.

Course Calendar

CodeLab Info and CodeLab website (Your section access code is: KENY-18023-NYLP-23 ) CodeLab technical support

Programming Projects (Lab Assignments)

101 Great Computer Programming Quotes