LAB 5:  Due 11:59 pm, Mon Oct 9

Submit the link to your project to Moodle before the deadline. Do Not modify after the deadline.

Do the programming Exercises 2,3, 6 and 17 at the end of chapter 5. Use a single test program for all functions. Use the source code from the textbook with care. If you decide to terminate the program due to the violation of a condition (e.g, position entered is larger than the size of the list) make sure that you pause the program before exiting for the user to see the error message.

Note: As given, the source code from the textbook does not compile as is. One solution is when a derived class (such orderedLinkedList and unorderedLinkedList) inherits from the base class linkedListType<Type>, specify the type like so:

class orderedLinkedList: public linkedListType<int> as opposed to more general class orderedLinkedList: public linkedListType<Type>

There is another way to make the more general inheritance work. We will discuss this in class. If you find yet another way, let us know.