Information and Resources for the Final Project

Read these articles about giving a good math talk: Article 1, Article 2, Article 3, Article 4.

First choose your partner (you can work in groups of size 2) and a topic in history of mathematics in the Islamic World. The topic should include significant amount of mathematics.

Let me know, in writing, what topic you choose by Friday November 11. You should submit, in writing, your choice of the topic, and main sources you want to use. About a page would be sufficient for this.

Next, you submit an outline of your paper by Wednesday, November 30 (2-3 pages).

You will give a class presentation ( 10-15 minutes) during the last 4 days of classes.

The final paper is due by the end of the official final exam date for this course which is 4:30 pm, Monday December 12. (You can submit it earlier!)

Here are some possible topics to give you an idea and get you started but this is not an exhaustive list. You may choose another topic.

Some Useful Books and Other Sources for the Project (can get ideas for possible projects from these sources too)