Glossary P: from paeþ to plegan


paeþ, see gegn~, mearc-paeþ.

paeððan, v.1. traverse, travel over: 3s. pæþeð 56.9; pret. 1s. paeðde 70.12.

pernex, m. a supposed bird (mis-translation of Latin pernix = swift): ns. 38.66 [MS. p'nex].

pil, see, hilde-, orþonc-, searo-pil.

plegan, v.I. play, amuse oneself: inf. 40.2 (w. gen.).



Glossary R: from rad to rynestrong
rad, f. -1. riding, course: ds. rade 17.7. -2. name of runic R: ns. 56.15.

radwerig, adj. travel-weary, weary of riding: asm. radwerigne 18.14.

ræcan, v.1. reach, extend: is. race 64.7.

ge-ræcan, v.1. -1. reach, strike: 3s. geraceð 1.88.-2. reach, arrive: is. gerace 13.27.

raeced, n. hall, house, building: as. 50.1; ds.racede 29.3; ap. raced 1.6.

ræd, m. good counsel, wisdom: as. 13.16; gs. raedes 84.32. See unrad.

rædan, v.7,1. read, explain, solve (a riddle): subj. pres. 3s. ræde 57.15; imp. 2s. ræd 59.9.

rædelle, f. riddle: as. rædellan 40.13.

ræping, m. captive: ap. rapingas 50.1.

ræran, v.I. raise: pret. 3s. rarde 53.6; subj. pres. 3s. rare 1.103. See aræran.

ræsan, v.I. rush: 3s. raeseð 23.8. See þurhræsan.

read, adj. red: nsm.wk. reada 24.15; asm. reodne 23.8; gsn. wk. readan 46.6; apf. reade 9.2.

reade, adv. redly, with a red color: 69.1.

reaf, n. robe, garment: ds. reafe 9.2, 11.7.

reafian, v.11. rob, ravage, plunder: 1s. reafige 1.6, 10.14; 3s. reafað 23.8, 63.2.

rec, m. smoke: np. recas 1.6.

reccan, v.I. be interested in, care for (w. gen.): 3s. recceð 74.5.

reccan, v.I. -1. explain: imp. 2s. rece 30.13. -2. rule: inf. 38.35; is. recce 38.33.

reccend, m. ruler, God: ns. 38.3.

recene, adv. quickly, straightway: 37.28.

regn, m. rain: as. 1.85.

regnwyrm, m. rain-worm, earthworm: ns. 38.70.

ge-rene, n. ornament: np. gereno 24.15.

reod, see read.

reord, f. voice, speech: as. reorde 22.5; ip. reordum 6.1.

ge-reord, n. speech, voice: ip. gereor-dum 12.16.

resele, f. answer, solution: as. reselan 37.28.

restan, v.1. rest, remain: inf. 1.103; 1s. reste 81.5 (refl.), 91.2.

reþe, adj. fierce, cruel: nsm. 1.3; nsf. 80.2; gsm. reþes 13.16.

ribb, n. rib: gp. ribba 30.8.

rice, adj. rich, powerful, great: nsm. 38.3 [MS. ric]; gsm. rices 69.1; npm. rice 30.13; dpm. ricum 91.2.

rice, n. power, authority: ds. 1.61.

ricels, n. incense: ns. 38.24.

ridan, v.1. ride, swing: inf. 1.62, 20.2; 1s. ride 76.8; 3s. rideð 1.66, 56.3; pret. 1s. rad 89.14; 3s. rad 17.5.

riht, see ryht.

rim, see daeg~, un-rim.

rinc, m. man: ns. 60.4, 61.15, 72.2; ap. rincas 12.16; dp. rincum 40.6. See fyrd~, gum~, mago-rinc.

rinnan, v.3. run, flow: inf. 81.5 [MS. yrnan]. See yrnan, upirnan.

rod, f. cross: gs. rode 53.5.

rodor, m. sky, heavens: dp. roderum 53.5; gp. rodera 57.15, rodra 11.7.

rof, adj. strong, bold, noble: asm. rofne 17.7. See ellen-, maegen-, mund-rof.

rop, adj. liberal, bountiful: npf. rope 55.3.

rose, f. rose: ns. 38.24.

ruh, adj. rough, hairy: nsm. 23.5; gsn. ruwes 59.9.

ge-rum, n. space, room: as. 18.14 (onrum , at large).

ge-ruma, n. space, room: ds. geruman 13.16.

runstaef, m. runic letter: np. runstafas 56.15; ap. runstafas 40.6.

ge-ryde, adj. agreeable, pleasing: nsn? 61.15.

ryht, adj. -1. straight, direct: asm. ryhtne 60.4. -2. right, true: isn. ryhte 48.7; npm. ryhte 56.15.

ryht, n. that which is right, justice: as. 38.3; ds. ryhte 38.35.

ge-ryhte, n. straight direction: ap. geryhtu 1.85 (on-ryhte , straight).

ryman, v.1. make room, clear a way: 3s. ryme?S 51.10.

ge-ryman, v.1. clear, open up: 1s. geryme 60.4.

ryne, m. running, course: as. 80.2.

ryne, n. mystery, mysterious saying: as. 46.6.

rynegiest, m. swift traveller or foe, ?swift spirit, ?rain-foe: gs. rynegiestes 1.88.

rynemonn, m. mystery-solver, rune-decoder: ap. rynemenn 40.13.

rynestrong, adj. strong-flowing, swift-flowing: nsm. 17.7.