lphabetical ndex


Amphora: 16 Cloud: 37 Flask: 85
Anchor: 14 Coat of Mail: 33 Forge: 15  
  Cock and Hen: 40 Fortress: 15
Badger: 13 Creation: 38, 64, 90 Fox: 13
Bagpipe: 29 Cross: 51, 53, 58  
Ballista: 15 Cross: 51, 53, 58 Gimlet: 60
Barnacle Goose: 8 Cuckoo: 7     Glass Beaker: 61
Battering Ram: 51 Cup of Wine or Spirits: 9 Gnats: 55
Beech/Book (AS Bõc): 88 Cuttlefish: 72 Gold: 9, 79
Bees: 55 Cynewulf: 86  
Bell: 2   Harrow: 78
Bellows: 35, 83 Dagger Sheath: 42 Hawk: 18
Bible: 24, 65 Damascened Sword: 26 Hedgehod: 13
Book: 24, 65, 88, 91 Day: 37 Helmet: 59
Bookcase: 47 Death: 37 Horn: 12, 76
Bookcase: 47 December: 20 Horn of Yew: 26
Bookworm: 45 Dough: 43 Hound: 73
Borer: 60 Dream: 37, 91 House of Martins
Bow: 21    
Brand: 60 Earth: 39 Iceberg: 31, 66
 Bread Dough: 43 Elk: 73 Inkhorn: 84,89
Broom: 50   Inkwell: 15
Bull Calf: 36 Falcon Cage: 47 Jackdaw(s): 6, 55
  Falcony: 17, 62 Jay: 6, 22
Chalice: 46, 57 Figurehead: 72 John Barleycorn: 26
Charles Wain & the Circling Stars: 20 Fire: 48  
Chickens: 11 Fire-Rod: 60 Kelp Weed: 58
Chough: 6 Fish and River: 81 Key: 42, 87
Christ: 73 Flail: 2, 50 Keyhole: 87
Churn: 52 Flaming Arrow: 60  


Lamb of God: 86 Plow: 19 Swallows: 55
Lamprey: 75 Poker: 60 Swan: 5, 72
Lance: 71 Porcupine: 13 Swifts: 55
Leather Bottle: 85 Prostitute: 91 Sword: 18, 26, 69
Lighthouse: 68   Sword Rack: 53
Lot and his Family: 44 Quill Pen: 2, 72, 91 Sword-Swallow (Hawk): 18
Lyre: 26,67 Quill Pen and Fingers: 49  
    Ten Chickens:11
Magpie: 22 Raindrops: 55 Ten Fingers: 11
Mail Coat: 33 Rake: 32 Thrush: 6
Mead: 25 Ram: 51 Time: 37
Millstone: 2 Reed Pen: 58 Tortoise Lyre: 26
Money: 79 Riddle: 91 Tree: 28
Month of December 20 Rune Staff  
Moon: 37, 91   Uncertain: 2, 15, 26, 37, 53, 58,
Moon and Sun: 27 Scabbard: 53                  72, 85, 86, 91
Musical Notes: 55 Sea Eagle: 72  
  Shepherd's Pie: 67/68 Wandering Singer: 91
Nature: 38, 39, 64, 90 Shield: 3, 53 Water: 39l 72, 80
Night: 9 Ship: 17, 30, 34, 62 Weapon Chest: 15, 53
Nightingale: 6 Ship's Figurehead:72 Weasel: 13
  Shirt: 59 Weathercock: 77
One-Eyed Garlic Seller: 82 Shuttle 67/68 Web and Loom: 54, 86
Onion: 23, 63 Singer: 91 Well Buckets: 50
Ore: 79 Siren: 72 Well Sweep: 56
Oven: 47 Soul: 72: 91 Whistling Swan: 5
Ox: 10, 36, 70 Soul and Body: 41 Wind: 1
Oyster: 74 Spear: f51, 71 Wine Caskd: 26
  Speech: 37 Wine Cup: 9
Paten: 46 Starlings: 55 Wood: 28
Pen: 47 Storm: 1 Wood Pigeon: 6
Phallus: 18 Sun: 4 Woolen Web and Loom: 86
Piss: 73 Sun and Moon: 27 Writing: 17, 62
    Yea Horn: 26
    Yoke of Oxen: 50