Please Learn Moo-re


    Most of us drink milk or eat some type of milk food product. Hopefully, the next time you have a snack or a meal, you will keep in mind the importance of where your milk came from and how it became what you bought at the store. You can do this with any product, even with the clothes you are wearing. Look all around you- just as with milk, the raw materials for many of the things you eat, wear, and see were produced by hard working farmers and helpers on a farm. Not only can you become a more educated buyer and consumer yourself, but now you can spread this knowledge to others around you.

straw Now you can do your own research on the source of your food. In a small group, prepare a presentation on how another dairy product was made. You have learned about the main ingredient, milk, already so you already have a head start.
    Some hints:
  • You may want to begin by naming as many dairy products as you can, and choose one from that list that you would like to research. For example, ice cream is one of America's favorite dairy products. Ask around- you would be surprised at how many foods have milk in them.
  • After you have chosen a product, you will want to find out where and how it was processed (made). You may want to try calling or writing a letter to the company that made the product, asking if they could suggest someone for you to interview. More than likely, you will need to talk to several people because the product may have had more than one stop in between the farm and the store.
  • Once you have collected your information, think about how you would like to present it to your class. You may consider using pictures, audio clips from interviews, fun facts and nutritional information, and brochures as well as other aides.

Good Luck!

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