SCMP 118: Introduction to Programming (with C++), Spring 2018

"Learning to program teaches you how to think. Computer science is a liberal art." Steve Jobs
This article by a former Kenyon student is very interesting. Highly recommended.

Instructor: Noah Aydin
Office/Phone: RBH 319 / 5674
Office Hours: M-R: 1-2 pm; MW: 11-12 and by appointment. Here is my weekly schedule. Send me an e-mail to make an appointment.
Textbook: Problem Solving with C++ 8th ed, by Walter Savitch. Note the errata in the textbook.
Room & Time: PRCL 109, 2:40-4 pm Tuesday and Thursday.

Syllabus: We will cover most of Chapters 1-8, 10-12,14 of the textbook and perhaps get started on Chapter 15.

Software: We will be using the IDE CodeBlocks (free software) you may also try the similar IDE Dev-C++ or Netbeans. Download CodeBlocks for Mac, for Windows, NetBeans on a Mac and on a Windows.

Some Useful Links and Resources:   Ideone    CodePad   How to print bold   C++ Coding Style Standards    Dealing with Wrong Input

Tutoring Help: Sunday 7-9 pm and Wednesday 6-8 pm in Hayes 311.

CodeLab Info and CodeLab website (Your section access code is: KENY-26127-PHBE-35 ) CodeLab technical support

Computer History Assignments: About 10 times during the semester, you will turn in a brief essay on some computer history fact from the Computer History Museum (or other computer history source). One or two people people will be chosen each week to oraly describe what they found at the beginning of class. I will ask for volunteers, but will cycle through everyone before I repeat anyone. The idea is give to us all an opportunity to explore the history of computer science, and to find something that interests each of us. Start by going to the computer history timeline, and for each assignment explore the requested years until you find something interesting. Then write up a 200-300 word essay about what you found, what you found compelling, and why you think it is significant. Please include your sources. These are due midnight before the day they will be presented (and appear in the calendar below). Create a folder for these essays in the P drive and submit them there. The format of the file must be word or pdf.  Late submissions will not be accepted on these assignments.

Course Calendar and Assignments