Grades: Your course grade will be based on the following percentages...
% of Final Grade |
Homework and Labs |
30 |
Midterm 1 |
20 |
Midterm 2 |
20 |
Final Exam |
30 |
Homework & Labs: Homework and lab assignments will be given throughout the semester. Subsets of these
assignments will be collected and graded frequently. You should work on as many problems as possible, including
problems not assigned. All papers that you turn in must be legible with problem numbers and solutions clearly marked.
Homework Policies:
Statistics Clinic: Tutors will be available at the times and location listed on the MATH 106 homepage. They
will help you with technical software questions or general questions about the course material, but they will not
solve your homework problems.
Midterm 1 - Wednesday, October 8
Midterm 2 - Friday, November 21
Comprehensive Final Exam (3 hours) - Monday, December 15, 6:30 pm