
Online Resources and Kenyon Journals
- American
Academy of Religion (AAR)
This is the major academic organization in Religious Studies. It and
the Society for Biblical Literature (SBL) hold a joint Annual Meeting
that generally draws between 7,000 and 9,000 scholars.
- Midwest
Region of the AAR
One of the ten regional divisions of the AAR, each of which holds an
annual meeting.
- North
American Association for the Study of Religion (NAASR)
A smaller group focusing on the social scientific study of religion.
- International
Association for the History of Religions (IAHR)
Another academic organization, which holds an international meeting
every five years and regional meetings in intervening years. The NAASR
is a member association.
- Society
for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR)
Focuses on research on religion using social-scientific methods.
- Committee
for the Scientific Examination of Religion (CSER)
Works "to promote humanistic and critical approaches to the study
of religion, and to foster the public understanding of religion in the
United States and abroad."
- The
Martin Marty Center for the advanced study of religion (University
of Chicago)
Religious Studies Programs in Canada and the United States
Compiled by Gene Thursby, University of Florida
- Non-religion
and Secularity Research Network (NSRN)
- World
Wide Web Virtual Library: Religion
Surprisingly sparse.
Religion / Religions / Religious Studies
An excellent, annotated collection of links for the study and interpretation
of religions, by Gene Thursby, University of Florida.
- Religious
Studies Web Guide (University of Calgary)
Another excellent collection of links, but not annotated.
- Virtual
Religion Index (Rutgers University)
An extensive collection of classified, annotated links.
- Comparative
Religion Resources (University of Washington Libraries)
Organized by format, not topic.
- Religion on the Web (Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in
Theology and Religion)
- Religious
Studies Links (Voice of the Shuttle, UCSB)
- Academic
Info: Religion Gateway
Lightly-annotated links.
- Religious
A good source for religion, religions, and religious studies.
- Ontario
Consultants on Religious Tolerance
An unusually extensive and balanced collection of essays on religious
and ethical traditions, including many small ones.
- Diaspora.fi:
Religions in a Globalising World
Resources on religion in diaspora, religion and international migration,
globalisation and transnationalism, and the study of religion in local
- Why
Study Religion?
A site for high school and college students, sponsored by the American
Academy of Religion.
- Parliament
of the World's Religions
Successor to the original World's Parliament of Religions in 1893.
- Center
for Studies on New Religions
"An international network of associations of scholars working in the
field of new religious movements," based in Torino, Italy. Contains
good articles.
- Religious
An extensive and nicely-designed site at the University of Virginia
- Pew
Charitable Trusts Centers of Excellence
- Berkley
Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs (Georgetown University)
Texts, Audio-Visual, Reference works
South Asian Traditions
East Asian Traditions and Buddhism
Other traditions
Pluralism, Dialogue
Classics, Literature
Religion and Science
Kenyon and Online Journals
American Religions:
Asian Religions:
- Buddhist-Christian Studies (online
since 1999)
- Contemporary Buddhism (online through Consort)
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Edit date: 5/12/15 |