Definitions of Christianity and Christian

1. the religion derived from Jesus Christ , based on the Bible as sacred scripture, and professed by Eastern, Roman Catholic, and Protestant bodies -- MW Dictionary online

2. Christian: one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ (MW Dictionary online)

3. Of persons and communities: Believing, professing, or belonging to the religion of Christ. (OED)

4. major religion, stemming from the life, teachings, and death of Jesus of Nazareth (the Christ, or the Anointed One of God)-- Encyclopedia Britannica

5. The religion of people who believe in Jesus Christ as the savior of the world (Sandra Frankiel, Christianity)

6. The faith based on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus (Mary Fisher, Living Religions)

7. The use of the word "Christian" historically denotes a new consciousness of the movement as something distinct from both Judaism and the other cults of the Graeco-Roman world. (Schuyler Brown, The Origins of Christianity)

8. It is helpful to think of Christianity as having 3 components:

a. a set of beliefs. Although there are differences between Christians on a number of doctrinal matters, it is relatively easy to show that a common core of beliefs lies behind the different versions of Christianity you are likely to encounter.

b. a set of values: Christianity is a strongly ethical faith. . . It has a set of values which arises from being redeemed.

c. a way of life. Christianity . . . is about a definite way of living. --Alister McGrath, An Introduction to Christianity

9. Christianity is the name given to that definite system of religious belief and practice which was taught by Jesus Christ in the country of Palestine, during the reign of the Roman Emperor, Tiberius, and was promulgated, after its Founder's death, for the acceptance of the whole world, by certain chosen men among His followers. . . Moreover, the Christianity of which we speak is that which we find realized in the Catholic Church alone; hence, we are not concerned here with those forms which are embodied in the various non-Catholic Christian sects, whether schismatical or heretical. -- Catholic Encyclopedia Online

10. We now see that what we call Christianity --and what we identify as the Christian tradition--actually represents only a small selection of specific sources, chosen from among dozens of others. . . We can see how politics and religion coincide in the development of Christianity. -- Elaine Pagesl, The Gnostic Gospels