Dean-Otting (B.A., Kenyon College; Ph.D., Hebrew Union College-Jewish
Institute of Religion) joined the faculty in 1984. Her research interests
lie in the intersections between Jews and the non-Jewish cultures in which
Jews have made their home. Her publications have focused on Hellenistic
Jewry, Jews in Germany and Central Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries,
and in conflict resolution and dialogue between Jews and Arabs in Modern
Israel. She recently made a udy of the dwindling Jewish community of Kolkata
(formerly Calcutta), India. She is currently at work on a book-length
project on Prophecy. Professor Dean-Otting teaches these courses in the
department: The Judaic Tradition, Modern Judaism, The Jews in Literature,
The Hebrew Scriptures, Religion and Nature, RLST 101, RLST 103 First Year
Seminar: Women and Religion, and a topical course called Prophecy. She
regularly teaches in the interdisciplinary course on the Holocaust (INDS
231). Professor Dean-Otting occasionally offers Ancient Hebrew as an Independent
Study through the Classics Department. She is also involved in the Environmental
Studies concentration and teaches annually in ENVS 112.
E-mail: deanotting@kenyon.edu
- RELN 101: Introduction to the Study of Religion
- RELN 103: Introduction to the Study of Religion: Women and Religion
(First-year Seminar)
- RELN 210: The Judaic Tradition
- RELN 211: Modern Judaism
- RELN 310: The Hebrew Scriptures
- RELN 312: Jews in Literature
- RELN 382: Prophecy
- RELN 412: Journey and Illumination: Jewish and Hindu Mystical Expression
- RELN 481: Religion and Nature
- RELN 490: Senior Seminar in Religious Studies
- INDS 231: The Holocaust