Studies Program
Joseph Adler
for Confucianism
requires a Kenyon network connection
my retirement from teaching in 2014
these links have been updated only sporadically.
Primary texts:
Taijiquan in the outer garden of the
Confucian Temple (click image for larger view).
- Confucian
Classics (Ulrich Theobald)
- Versions
of the Canon (Thomas Wilson)
- Chinese
Philosophical Etext Archive:
Chinese texts (Wesleyan University)
- Four
of the Five Classics (trans. James Legge)
- Bilingual
Classics (Legge) - scroll down to "Source texts"
- Shijing
(Classic of Songs) - another version of Legge's translation,
with pinyin romanization [corrected link]
- The Liji (Record of Ritual) - Legge:
- The "Four Books" (Analects, Great Learning, The
Mean, Mencius):
- The
Analects in English and Chinese (trans. James
Legge, from Sacred Books of the East)
- The
Analects in English and Chinese (trans. uncredited,
from Confucius Publishing Co.)
- Xiaojing
(Scripture of Filiality) | with
Chinese text
- The Twenty-Four Paragons of Filial Piety
- Confucius
Publ. Co.: a few
texts, lots of pictures
- Zhou
Dunyi's "Taijitu shuo" in the Daozang (Daoist Canon)
- The
Philosophy of Human Nature, by J. Percy Bruce
(1922): chapters 46-48 of Zhu Xi's "Complete Works" (Zhuzi
quanshu, 1713). The first English translation (very
dated) of works by Zhu Xi.
- "Workers, Peasants and Soldiers
Criticize Lin Piao and Confucius": pamphlet from the
Cultural Revolution, (1972)
General articles:
- "Confucianism"
by Tu Weiming (Encyclopedia Britannica)
- Overview
of Confucianism (Yao Xinzhong)
- Biography
of Confucius by Mark Csikszentmihalyi (2000)
- Confucian
Philosophy: articles from the Routledge Encyclopedia of
- "Confucian
Ways" by Jonathan Spence (transcript of BBC radio lecture,
2008) | Listen
to lecture
- "What
We Can Learn from Confucianism" by Daniel Bell (Guardian,
- "The
New Confucianism in Beijing" by Wm. Theodore de Bary
- "The
Confucian Comeback" by On-cho Ng (lecture on Youtube --
see also lectures by other scholars listed)
- Lectures
by Anne Cheng (Collège de France) -- in voiceover
On human rights:
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
(UN, 1948)
- UN documents on
human rights
- Universal
Declaration of Human Responsibilities (1997)
- "Right
and Wrong Ways to Question Human Rights Universalism" by
Edward Friedman (2003)
- "Two
Cheers for 'Asian Values'" by Nathan Glazer
- Bibliography:
Confucianism, Asian Values, and Human Rights
- Charlie
Rose interview with Lee Kuan Yew
On women:
- Traditions
of Exemplary Women (Lieh-nü chuan): English
introduction, Chinese text, and illustrations
- Ban
Zhao, author of Lessons for Women
- "The Four Books for Women:
Ancient Chinese texts for the education of women" by Zhang
Mingqi (1987)
- "Perspectives
on Foot-binding" by Dorothy Ko (AsiaNetwork Exchange,
2008) [Link fixed 10/27/15]]
- Mencius
and Masculinities: Dynamics of Power, Morality, and Maternal
Thinking, by Joanne D. Birdwhistell: chapter 1
- Contemporaneity
and Feminism: special issue of Journal of
Chinese Philosophy: vol. 36, no.2 (2009)
- Confucianism
- Confucian
- Confucianism
and East Asian Economics
- Asian
Values and Human Rights
- Confucianism and Women
- Women
in Chinese History
- Bibliography
on Chinese Women and Gender Issues (Marjorie Chan, OSU)
- Gender
and Sexuality in Pre-Modern China (Paul R. Goldin, UPenn)
- Principal
Translations of the Thirteen Classics into Western Languages
(Paul R. Goldin, UPenn)
- Bibliography
of Asian Studies
More articles:
- Peter Berger's blog posts on Confucianism:
- "Traditional
Confucianism and its Contemporary Relevance," by Lin Hang
- Applied
Ethics from a Confucian Perspective: special issue
of Dao (2010), 7 articles
- "How
Confucianism could curb global warming" by James Miller (Christian
Science Monitor, June 2009)
- "Idols"
in the Temple: Icons and the Cult of Confucius" by Julia
Murray (Journal of Asian Studies, 2009)
- "China
and International Harmony: The Role of Confucius Institutes in
Bolstering China's Soft Power" by James F. Paradise (Asian
Survey, 2009)
- Two articles supporting Mencius' claim that morality is
natural (NY Times, 2007)
- "Confucian
Theology: Three Models" by Yong Huang (2007)
- Articles
on Kant and Confucianism (Journal of Chinese Philosophy,
- "Ethics for the 21st Century: The
Confucian Tradition" by Karl-Heinz Pohl (2005)
- "Democracy
and Confucian Values" by Shaun O'Dwyer (Philosophy
East & West, 2003)
- "Can
Confucianism Survive in an Age of Universalism and
Globalization?" by Gilbert Rozman (Pacific Affairs,
- "Implications
of the Rise of 'Confucian' East Asia" by Tu Weiming (Daedalus,
2000; issue on "Multiple Modernities")
- "Confucian
Commentary and Chinese Intellectual History" by Daniel
Gardner (1998)
- "The
Confucian World View: Uncommon Assumptions, Common
Misconceptions" by Roger Ames (AsiaNetwork Exchange,
- "Administrative
Concepts in Confucianism and their Influence on Development in
Confucian Countries" by Dao Minh Chau (Asian Journal of
Public Administration, June 1996)
- "Confucius
in Beijing: The conference of the International Confucian
Foundation" by Reg Little (1995)
- "The
Place and Meaning of the Notion of Taiji in Taoist Sources
Prior to the Ming Dynasty" by Isabelle Robinet (1990; an
important article; JSTOR access required)
- "Zhu Xi"
by Kirill O. Thompson (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
- "Confucianism
and Ecology: Potential and Limits" by Mary Evelyn Tucker
- "Confucianism
and Modernity: Insights from an Interview with Tu Weiming"
- Thomé H. Fang Institute:
containing many articles in English on Chinese philosophy
- Zhang Zai: "The great benefit of
learning is to enable one to transform the physical nature by
Recent "Confucius fever" in China:
- Early notice of the
revival (Newsweek, 10/26/81)
- "China
rediscovers Confucius in drive for social harmony" (The
Telegraph, 3/16/05)
- "China
turns to Confucius, with a modern twist" (LA Times,
- "Racing
ahead, China resurrects its past" (Asia Times,
- "Yu
Dan: defender of traditional culture, force for harmony" (Danwei,
- "Confucius
Making a Comeback In Money-Driven Modern China" (Washington
Post, 7/24/07)
- "China's
thriving Confucian schools" (BBC, 1/3/08)
- Confucian
primary school in Beijing (6 1/2 minute video, 11/3/08)
- China's
Confucian Revival (James Miller's blog, Sustainable
China, 12/30/08)
- "The
Confucian Party" by Daniel Bell (NY Times 5/11/09)
- Kongzi / Confucius (2010 movie starring Chow Yun Fat):
1 | trailer
2 | review
- "What
Confucius says is useful to China's rulers" by Daniel K.
Gardner (LA Times, 10/1/10)
- "Confucius
Statue Erected on Tiananmen Square" (PressTV,
- "Confucius
Statue Vanishes Near Tiananmen Square" (NY Times
- "Worship
of Confucius ahead for new school" (China Daily,
- "A
Confucian Constitution for China" by Jiang Qing and Daniel
A. Bell (NY Times 7/10/12)
- The Varieties
of Confucian Experience: Documenting a Grassroots Revival of
Tradition: Table of Contents (2018)

- Confucian
Temples (Thomas Wilson, Hamilton College)
- Tainan
Confucian Temple: photos
- Hanoi Confucian Temple (Van Mieu = Wen Miao)
Korean Confucianism:
- To Become
a Sage: The Ten Diagrams on Sage Learning, by Yi
T'oegye (1501-1570), trans. by Michael Kalton (University of
Washington, Tacoma)
- Two book reviews of Michael Kalton's The Four-Seven
Debate: An Annotated Translation of the Most Famous
Controversy in Korean Neo-Confucian Thought (JSTOR): 1
| 2
- Bibliography
of Korean Confucianism (2004)
- T'oegye
Yi Hwang: A Selected Bibliography of Secondary Sources in
Western Languages (2001)
- "A
Chinese Virtue Is Now the Law" (NY Times 7/3/13)
- "Why
Shaming Has Lost Power in China" (NY Times 7/31/10
- Confucius
exhibit at China Institute (New York): click on "Past
- "Confucian
family tree 'triples'" (BBC News, 9/25/09)
- Confucius: At the Dawn of Chinese
Humanism: exhibit at the Musee Guimet, Paris (NY Times
1/1/04 )
- "Clan
of Confucius starts revolution" (Telegraph,
- "The
Confucian Tradition and Chinese Television Today" (NY
- "Confucius
and the Scholars" (Atlantic Monthly, April 1999)
- Table of Consanguinity