In April, 1999, Western news media began covering a relatively new
Chinese religious group called Falun Gong, or Falun Dafa, which has
generally been translated as "Buddhist Law." (Falun
means "Dharma wheel;" gong means something like "exercise;"
dafa means "great law/Dharma.") The group was founded
in 1992 by Li Hongzhi, who now lives in New York. His teachings combine
elements of Buddhism, Taoism, and qigong. Falun Gong claims to
have about 100 million followers worldwide, most of them in China, but
also including many overseas Chinese and some non-Chinese in other countries.
The Chinese government estimated about 20 million in China in the late
1990s. They first gained notice in the western media by staging a silent
sit-in around the residence compound of China's top leaders in Beijing,
on April 25, 1999, to protest what they said was a slanderous magazine
article and the refusal of the authorities to let them register as a
religious organization.
Here is an excerpt from one of their websites describing one of their
central beliefs:
Falun Gong is characterised by the cultivation
of a Falun [Dharma wheel], located at the lower abdomen. As an intelligent
entity of high energy substance, the Falun automatically absorbs energy
from the universe and relieves the body of bad elements. The rotation
of Falun synchronises with the revolution of the universe. It has thesame
characteristics as the universe and is a miniature of the universe.
The Taoist Yin-Yang and the Buddha's Dharma-wheel both have their reflections
in the Falun.
Falun is constantly rotating, putting the practitioner in the state
of cultivation for 24 hours a day. Of all the qigong/cultivation
systems known to the public, Falun Gong is the first and only one
which solves the conflicting time-requirements for practising and
work or study.
Falun Gong gives top priority to the cultivation of XinXing
(inner nature) and its assimilation to Zhen-Shan-Ren (Truth-Compassion-Forebearance)
- the supreme nature of the universe. XinXing is the key to
the growth of cultivation energy and the level of XinXing determines
the level of cultivation energy.
Useful Links
News articles
(For another collection of news articles, mostly from other sources, see
Falun Gong Updates
at the Center for Studies on New Religions)
- April 26, 1999: 10,000
Protesters in Beijing Urge Cult's Recognition (NY Times)
- April 27, 1999: (1)
Notoriety Now for Exiled Leader of Chinese Movement; (2) In Beijing: A Roar of Silent Protesters (NY
- May 3, 1999: China's
Rulers on Guard as Spiritual Sect Pushes the Envelope (NY
- May 4, 1999: Founder
of Falun Gong Breaks Silence Over Demonstration in Beijing (China
News Digest)
- June 29, 1999: As Mystic
Movement Assembles, Chinese Government Worries (NY Times)
- July 21, 1999: Beijing
Detains Leaders of Sect, Watchdog Says (NY Times)
- July 22, 1999: China
Said to Prepare Ban on Sect; Protests Go On (NY Times)
- July 23, 1999: China
Imposes Ban on Falun Gong Sect (NY Times)
- July 24, 1999: (1)
Banned Movement's Head Urges Talks With China; (2)
China Continues Campaign Against Spiritual Movement (NY
- July 25, 1999: The
Sect That Became an Enemy of the State , by Ian Buruma (NY
- July 27, 1999: Chinese
Officials Held in Campaign Against Vast Sect (NY Times)
- July 30, 1999: (1)
Court to Handle Case Against Falungong Leaders; (2) Communist Party Starts Purge of Members With Falungong Ties
(China News Digest)
- July 30, 1999: (1)
Followers of Chinese Sect Defend Its Spiritual Goals (2)
China Sect Claims Sites Under Attack (NY Times)
- July 30, 1999: Falun
Gong Spiritual Movement (PBS Religion & Ethics Newsweekly)
- July 31, 1999: Ex-General,
Member of Banned Sect, Confesses `Mistakes,' China Says
(NY Times)
- August 6, 1999: An
Air of Reluctance in China's Crackdown on Falun Gong (NY
- August 8, 1999: Eye
of the Storm (interview with
Li Hongzhi) (NY Times Magazine)
- August 14, 1999: Talking
with Falun Gong Members at July DC Demo (H-ASIA)
- August 16, 1999: Falungong:
No Stranger to Confrontation With Press (China News Digest)
- August 17, 1999: If
It's a Comic Book, Why Is Nobody Laughing? (NY Times)
- August 18, 1999: Trial
next month; Another group being watched (China News Digest)
- September 22, 1999:
Nation-Wide Crackdown on Falungong Before Anniversary (China
News Digest)
- October 18, 1999:
State Council Issues Warnings Against Continued Falun Gong Activities
(China News Digest)
- October 26-27, 1999:
Beijing Quickly Detains Sect's Protesters (NY Times)
- October 28, 1999: (1)
Falun Gong Members Meet With Foreign Journalists; (2)
Falun Gong Devotees Converge on Beijing in Bid to End Government Ban
(NY Times)
- October 29, 1999: Banned
in China, Thriving in New York (NY Times)
- October 30, 1999: Dozens
More From Sect Arrested in Beijing (NY Times)
- October 31, 1999: (1)
China Enacts Strict Law Aimed at Smashing Cult; (2)
Four Leaders of China's Banned Sect Charged (NY Times)
- November 4, 1999: (1)
China Seizes Documents From Western Reporters (2)
China's Leadership Feels Threatened (NY Times)
- November 6, 1999:
China Says Its Future Depends on Routing Banned Spiritual Movement (NY
- November 9, 1999:
Crackdown on Sect Yields 111 Arrests, Beijing Announces (NY
- November 15, 1999:
Hundreds of Falungong Members Sent to Trials or Labor Camps
(China News Digest)
- November 19, 1999:
Crackdown on Falungong Protesters During UN Chief's Visit (China
News Digest)
- December 27, 1999:
China Sentences 4 in Spiritual Group to Long Jail Time (NY
- December 28, 1999:
Health Sects in China Thrive if Authorities See No Threat (NY
- January 20, 2000:
China Imprisons Leader of a Healing-by-Meditation Society (NY
- January 21, 2000:
China Is Said to Hold Devotees of Sect in a Psychiatric Hospital (NY
- January 30, 2000: Falungong
Leader's Portrait Obscures Mao, Temporarily (China News Digest)
- February 4, 2000: Falun
Gong Members Arrested (Associated Press)
- May 3, 2000: U.S. Cult
Experts Voice Concerns Over Falun Gong (China News Digest)
- June 19, 2000: Falun
Gong Follower in Custody Dies (China News Digest)
- July 20, 2000: China police arrest 90 Falun gong protesters (Daily Telegraph)
- August 13, 2000: Falun
Gong Free in Hong Kong, But Irks Public (Reuters)
- October 26, 2000: Falun
Gong Stages Large Protest on Tiananmen Square (China News
- October 27, 2000: Falun
Gong demonstrates in Tiananmen Square (Reuters)
- October 30, 2000: Falun
Gong protests fade on China law anniversary (Reuters)
- December 27, 2000:
Demonstration in Taipei; Anti-Cult Association Seminar Discusses Human
Rights (China News Digest)
- January 5, 2001: Banned
Chinese Sect Is Spurred On by Exiled Leader (NY Times)
- January 17, 2001: Hong
Kong SAR Warns Falungong Over Breach of Contract; Canadian-Chinese Falungong
Member On CCTV (China News Digest)
- January 16, 2001: China
Punishes 242 Members of Banned Sect (NY Times)
- January 19, 2001: Government
Launches New Publicity Campaign Against Falun Gong (China
News Digest)
- January 24, 2001: 5
Linked to Banned Sect in China Set Themselves on Fire in Protest (NY
- January 26, 2001: Beijing
in Battle With Sect: 'A Giant Fighting a Ghost' (NY Times)
- January 30, 2001: Chinese
Officials Order Cities to Bolster Riot Police Forces (NY
- January 31, 2001: To
Fight Sect, China Publicizes a Public Burning (NY Times)
- February 17, 2001:
Man Burns Himself To Death in Beijing (Washington Post)
- February 18, 2001: Psychiatric
Abuse Reportedly Used to Repress Sect (NY Times)
- February 19, 2001: Falun
Gong a Test For Hong Kong (Washington Post)
- February 27, 2001: China
Hones Old Tool: 'Re-educating' Unruly (NY Times)
- March 9, 2001:
A Foe Rattles Beijing from Abroad (Washington Post)
- July 5, 2001: In China
Labor Camp, Deaths Are Disputed (NY Times)
- July 5, 2001: Sect
Clings to the Web in the Face of Beijing's Ban (NY Times)
- July 22, 2001: Falun
Gong Backers Protest: China Accused of Torture (Washington
During the
Republican National Convention in 2004, a group of Falun Gong followers
meditate in Union Square and distribute literature to raise awareness
of the group's persecution at the hands of the Chinese government.
(PBS Religion & Ethics Newsweekly) |
- October/November, 1998: query
and responses (before notoriety)
- July 28, 1999: The
authorities' real objection (NY Times)
- July 31, 1999: Why
the Exercisers Exercise China's Party (The Economist)
- July 31/August 4, 1999:
Impressions from Tianjin, and a Response (H-ASIA)
- August 10, 1999: Who's afraid of Falun Gong? (Asia Times Online)
- August 12-13, 1999:
Background to April 25 demonstration, and a Response (H-ASIA)
- August 13-28, 1999: Falun
gong and China's political system (an exchange) (H-ASIA)
- November 7-9, 1999: Revenge
against The Cultural Revolution (H-ASIA)
- November 15, 1999: Falun
Gong and health (H-ASIA)
- December 17, 1999: Falungong
in Hong Kong (H-ASIA)
- January 10, 2000: More
on Cultural Revolution (H-ASIA)
- February 20, 2000: Falun
Gong and religious freedom (H-ASIA)
- February 27 - March 6, 2000: Religious
Practice in the PRC -- Falun gong (H-ASIA)
- August 1, 2000: China's
Falun Gong Obsession (Washington Post editorial)
- January 3, 2001: Jumping/falling
deaths (H-ASIA)
- March 24, 2001: Apocalyptic
comments (H-ASIA)
Edit date: 7/28/14