Table 3

Features of Electoral Reform in Mexico, 1977-96

A. Issues of Representation

Year Registration of Parties Structure of Congress Other
1977 · Established conditional registration to integrate new left parties

· Those receiving 1.5% in federal elections retain registration

· Created 100 seats in Chamber of Deputies reserved for minority parties chosen by PR

· Increased total Chamber size to 400

1986 · Conditional registration abolished · Total Chamber size increased to 500, 200 chosen by PR

· PR seats now open to majority party

· governability clause introduced

· Federal District legislative assembly created
1989-90 · Conditional registration re-established

· Limits imposed on electoral coalitions

· Governability clause modified; if largest party, a party with 35% gets a majority of the Chamber; perfect PR if none get 35%
1993 · Coalition formation made very difficult · Senate doubled to 128, 4 from each state; majority party in a state gets three seats, first minority the other seat;

· Governability clause rescinded;

· No party allowed more than 63% of Chamber of Deputies

· Art. 82 of constitution which prevented Mexican-born children of foreign-born parents from becoming president rescinded, effective in 2000.
1996 · Registration to be lost if party fails to reach 2% of vote · Overrepresentation of largest party in Chamber of Deputies limited to 8%

· No party allowed more than 60% of Chamber of Deputies

· Senate reformed so that 32 senators chosen by PR in a national constituency

· Federal District head of government to be elected

· Some power devolved to Federal District from central government

B. Issues Regarding the Integrity of the Electoral Process

Year Electoral Organs Electoral Process Other
1977 · Federal Electoral Commission membership to include Sec. of Interior, one member of each house of congress, one from each registered party, and notary public

· Electoral congresses composed of the elected congress members certify own elections

· Permitted Supreme Court to investigate elections and revise resolutions of electoral colleges · Structure for electoral organs in states mandated to parallel the federal agency
1986 · Federal Electoral Commission membership modified to link party representation to most recent electoral performance proportionally · Tribunal of Electoral Disputes established to provide "jurisdictional" perspective on disputed elections; electoral colleges not bound by its decisions · District electoral committees permitted to recount votes
1989-90 · Federal Electoral Institute (IFE) created; membership included Sec. of Interior, two representatives from each chamber (one majority, one minority), and representatives of each party in proportion to their share of vote (up to four)--still a government majority · Federal Electoral Tribunal created with power to oblige electoral colleges to annul an election; president selects magistrates with approval of congress · IFE to be a professional bureaucracy

· voter registration list (padrón) to be completely redone

1993 · congress will no longer certify its own election in electoral colleges; IFE to certify election of congress · Parties permitted access to original documents used to compose padrón

· Federal Election Registry to conduct campaign to complete voter registration and distribution of voter IDs

· Vote counting simplied; district councils will make results available at precinct level for first time;

· National, but not international observers

1994 · IFE made more autonomous; magistrate councilors replaced by citizen councilors appointed through concensus of parties; party representatives on IFE lose vote · electoral fraud criminalized and an Electoral Prosecutor's Office created · "foreign visitors" allowed to observe elections
1996 · IFE restructured; Sec. of Interior and representatives of chambers lose vote; IFE General Council to be nine voting members, all "citizen councilors" · electoral law put under Supreme Court jurisdication

· Federal Electoral Tribunal restructured

C. Issues Regarding Electoral Equity

Year Access to Media Campaign Spending Other
1977 · Federal Electoral Commission empowered to coordinate parties' access to media and provide some funding · Federal Electoral Commission empowered to provide modest funding
1989-90 · Increased public funding of parties · Greater right of access to information for parties
1993 · IFE to arrange for access to radio and TV, partly paid for by state, partly by parites · Principle of campaign spending limits established; IFE responsible to set limits; public financing to increase and be set in part on previous performance of parties
1996 · Media access increased and determined in part by past performance · Public financing greatly increased; no more than 10 percent of campaign financing can be private; public financing distributed according to formula favoring larger parties