Documents for Curricular Essentials Retreat

We will begin our retreat by discussing the question: What are the attributes of a liberally educated person?  Here are some documents that can help us think about this question:

Next we will discuss: Different approaches to fostering the attributes of a liberally educated person.  Here are several different approaches that can help us think about this question. Aside from our current requirements, these are meant to be heuristic approaches for discussion, rather than pieces of legislation.

Other relevant documents:

The reports of the working groups on The Essentials (webpage)

The Mellon Grant has funded a number of curricular initiatives meant to improve our delivery of the identified Essentials. Here is a list of grants funded this year. (pdf)

FACPAC report from the Curricular Essentials Committee, April, 2013 (pdf)

Schedule for the Curricular Essentials Retreat (pdf)

Other resources:

AAUC resources about Liberal Education. (website)

AAUC resources about General Eduation (website)