Project Expectations:


Projects have two components – correct mathematical computations and clear, organized presentation.

The project will be given to you as a list of questions to be answered and/or steps to be completed. When you have worked out solutions to these questions, your next task is to write a typed narrative that includes and explains all of your answers and necessary supporting work.

The final result should be a cohesive paper that could be understood by anyone familiar with the area of investigation. It should contain each of the following items.

·         Introduction – state problem or goals and give background information.

·         Conclusion – state findings, suggestions, and/or questions.

·         Equations and figures, clearly labeled and explained.

·         Correct formulation, analysis, and interpretation of the problem and solution.

·         Clarity, precision, and correct English grammar.

You are encouraged to work in groups of two or three people. All students in the group should participate in all aspects of the assignment, and all students will receive the same grade, with exceptions only in rare cases.