Scmp 218: Data Structures and Program Design, Fall 2020

Learning to program teaches you how to think. Computer science is a liberal art. Steve Jobs

Instructor: Noah Aydin
Office/Phone: RBH 319 / 740-427-5674
Drop-In/Chat Hours: MW: 10:10am-12pm; F: 1:10-11 and by appointment. Here is my weekly schedule . Look at my schedule and request an appoint by email if you need to see me outside regular chat hours. I'm usually available during the white slots. Here is the Zoom Link for all class meetings and chat hours.
Textbook: Data Structures using C++ by D. S. Malik.
Room & Time: RBH 311, 1:10-2:30 pm, Tuesday and Thursday.

Software: We will be using the free online IDE Please create an account there. If you are interested in installing a software on your computer, you can find more options for IDE's for C++ programming here.

Syllabus and Course Policies

Course Calendar and Assignments

Pair Programming

Teaching Philosophy and Expectations

Math Dept Class Attendance Policy

Some Online IDE's for C++:, TIO, A bigger list is here.