Glossary W1: from wa to wisfæst
wa, interj. woe! (w. dat. of person and gen. of thing): 9.8.

wacan, v.6. be born, spring: pret.. 1s.woc 18.21.

wadan, v.6. go, proceed: 1s. wade60.3; pret.. 3s. wod 20.15, ?89.7.See bewadan.

wæcan, v.1. weaken: pp. waeced 26.5.

wæccan, v.1. watch, wake: prp. asf. waeccende 38.8.

wæd, n. water, sea: ap. wado 5.2.

waed, f. garment, dress: dp. waedum 40.4, wedum 7.4.

ge-wæde, n. garment: ns. 33.14 [ waedu]; as. 33.12.

wæg, see weg.

wæg, m. wave: ns. 1.50; ds. waege 1.23, 8.10, 14.1, 20.21, wege 31.1, 66.3.

wæg, see wag.

wægan, v.1. torment, afflict: 3s. wege5 77.7.

wægfaet, n. water-vessel, cloud: ap.wægfatu 1.67.

wægn, m. wagon, wain: ns. 20.12; as. 20.9; ds. waegne 19.8.

waegstaeþ, n. shore, bank: ds. waegstaepe 20.2.

waelcræft, m. deadly power: is. wælcraefte 87.II.

waelcwealm, m. violent death, slaughter: ns. 1.8.

waelgim, m. slaughter-gem, death-gem:as. 18.4.

waelgrim, adj. slaughter-fierce, blood thirsty: nsm. 13.8.

waelhwelp, m. slaughter-whelp, murderous dog: gs. waelhwelpes 13.23.

wæpen, n. weapon: ns. 1.88, 12.1; as. 53.12; dp. waepnum 18.17; ip.waepnum 1.82. See beadu-, comp-, hilde-waepen.

waepnedcynn, n. male kind, male sex: gs. waepnedcynnes 36.1.

waestm, m.n. -1. growth, plant, fruit:ns. 88.2; ip. waestmum 80.38. -2. shape, form: as. waestum 29.5.

wæt, adj. wet, moist: nsm.wk. wæta 33.1; nsn. wat 23.II.

waeta, m. moisture, liquid: as. wætan 1.78; ds. 56.10.

waetan, v.1. wet, moisten: 3s. wæteð 10.10; pret.. 3s. wætte 24.2.

waeter, n. water: ns. 51.3, 66.3; ds. waetre 8.1, 10.10, 24.3; is. waetre 89.25; gs. waetres 20.12.

waeþan, v.1. wander about, hunt: 3s. waepeð 32.5.

wæweð, see wawan.

wafian, v.II. wonder, be amazed: 3p. wafiað5 80.42.

wag, m. wall: ds. wage 12.12, wæge II.4.

wagian, v.II. move, shake, totter: 3p. wagia'ð 1.38; pret.. 3p. wagedan 52.6.

waldend, m. master, possessor, ruler, Lord : ns. 4.1, 18.4, 21.6, 38.89; gs. waldendes 38.14.

waldende, adj. ruling, powerful:comp. nsf. waldendre 38.87.

Wale, f. Welshwoman, female servant: ns. 10.8, 50.6.

wamb, see womb.

wancian, v.II. waver? stagger? reel? pret. 3s. wancode 83.7.

wanian, see wonian.

war, n. seaweed: ds. ware 1.23.

warian, v.II. hold, possess, guard: 3s. warað 29.21, 79.4, 89.28.

waroð, n. seaweed: ns. 38.49.

waþ, f. wandering, journey: as. wiþe 1.II.

wawan, v.7. blow, flutter (in wind): 3s. weweV 38.81.

wea, m. woe, misery: ns. weo 54.5; gs.wean 70.14.
ge-wealcan, v.7. roll: pp. gewealcen 1.19.

ge-weald, n. power, dominion: as. 25.14; ds. gewealde 1.46. See onwald.

wealdan, v.7. have power over, control, rule (w. gen. or acc.): 3s. wealdeð 38.[2],5,22; pret. 3s. weold 50.6. See waldende.

Wealh, m. Welshman, slave, servant: ap. Wealas 10.4.

weall, m. -1. natural wall, hill, cliff: ns? 80.45; ds. wealle 1.50; gs. wealles 27.7 (or as meaning #2?). -2. wall (of a building): np. weallas 1.39; ap. weallas 32.5. See bord~, sæ-weall.

weard, m. guardian, protector, lord: ns. 19.4, 79.2; gs. weardes II.7.

~weard, see æftan~, æfter~, fore~, hinde~, innan~, niþer~, up-weard.

weardian, v.II. hold, occupy, guard: inf. 84.22.

wearm, adj. warm: nsn. 2.7.

wearp, m. warp: as. 33.5.

weaxan, v.7. wax, grow, increase: inf. 43.1 [MS. weax], 52.10; 3s. weaxee 38.26; 3p. weaxað5 38.102; pret.. 1s. weox 84.1; prp. nsm. weaxende 51.3. See aweaxan.

ge-weaxan, v.7. grow (up): pret.. 3s. geweox 76.7.

wecgan, v.l. lift, move, shake: 3s. wegeð 10.8, 19.5; pret. 3p. wegedon 71.5.

wed, see wæd.

weder, n. wind, storm: is. wedre 28a.2.

wefan, v.5. weave: 3s. wifeð 80.33. See awefan.

ge-wefan, v.5. weave: pp. gewefen 38.85.

wefl, f. woof, weft: np. wefle 33.5.

weg, m. way, course, road: as. 13.21, 37.6, 60.3, 66.1, waeg 51.8; ds. wege 34.1, 68.1; ap. wegas 1.46, wagas 49.6. See flod~, fore~, hwyrft~, on~, stie-weg.

weg, see wæg.

wegan, v.5. carry, bring, move: 1s. wege 18.6; 3s. wige?ð 30.II, 48.3, 69.6, 71.21; 3p. wegað 12.14; pret.. 3p. wa?gun 25.3; pp. wegen 19.8.

wegeð, wegedon, see wecgan.

wegeð, see wacgan.

wel, adv. well, fully, very (much): 48.5.

wela, m. wealth: ds? welan 65.8. See foddurwela.

welhold, adj. very faithful: nsf. 7.4.

wella, m. fountain: ap. wellan 36.3.

wen, f. hope, expectation: ns. 1.58.

wenan, v.l. believe, suppose, expect (w. gen., acc., or obj. clause): inf. 18.17; 1s. wene 3.4; 3p. wenaþ 1.16; pret. 1s. wende 58.7.

wendan, v. I. -1. move (something),turn (it) round or over (trans.): pret.. 3s. wende 57.5; pp. wended 57.18. -2. go, proceed (intr.): 3s. wendes 71.28. See onwendan.

ge-wendan, v.I. turn, ?escape: inf. 84.30.

weo, see wea.

weorc, n. work, toil, handiwork, deed: as. 70.14; gs. weorces 40.4, 52.10; np. weorc 24.14. See beadu~, hond-weorc.

weorpan, v.3. throw, cast (w. acc. or dat.): 1s. weorpe 25.7 [MS. weorpere]; 3p. weorpaþ 1.21. See a~, be-weorpan.

weorð, adj. valuable, worthy: nsm. 25.1; comp. nsm. weorrra 84.II.

weorþan, v.3.-1. be, become (as independent verb): inf. 48.10; 1s. weorþe 14.4; 3s. weorþeð 13.14; 3p. weorþað 1.29, 3.13; pret.. 3s. wearð 7.8, 37.18, 65.9, 66.3 (twice), 79.5; 3p. wurdon 71.3. -2. be (as aux. w. past participle forming passive or perfective): inf. 1.61; 3s. weorþeð 18.20; pret.. 3s. wearð 51.5; subj. pret.. 3s. wurde 80.31. See forweorðan.

ge-weorþan, v.3. become: inf. 38.43.

weorþian, v.II. honor: 3s. weorþat 18.10.

ge-weorþian, v.II. honor, adorn: pp. geweorþad 69.5, 80.25.

wepan, v.7. weep: 3s. wepeð 69.5; pret.. 1s. weop 89.21.

wer, m. man: ns. wa?r 44.1; gs. weres 42.1, [88.3]; np. weras 12.3,12, 20.9,21, 28a.6, 28b.6, 80.42, 82.1; dp. werum 25.1, 29.4,14, 30.II, 39.9, 40.16; gp. wera 1.8,39, 24.18, ,27.14, 32.1, 45.3, 79.3, 84.23.

werig, adj. tired, weary: nsm. 3.3, 52.10. See rid~, slaep-werig.

wermod, m. wormwood, absinthe: ns. 38.60.

werþeod, f. people, nation: as. werþeode 80.41.

wesan, see beon/wesan.

west, adv. west, westward: 27.10.

wic, n. house, dwelling-place (frequently plural w. singular meaning): as. 13.8; ap. 5.2; dp. wicum 6.7, 47.4, 71.28.

wicg, n. horse: ns. wycg 12.5; ds. wicge 12.14, 76.8; np. wicg 20.21; ap. wicg 20.9; ip. wicgum 20.2.

wicstede, m. dwelling-place: np. 1.39.

wid, adj. wide, broad: asf. wide 16.3.

wide, adv. far, widely, far and wide:1.II, 67,101, 5.5, 8.10, 18.16, 24.16,25.1, 33.II, 37.17, 38.99, 56.2, 64.7, 71.22, 79.10, 89.29, 91.3; comp. widdor 7.10, 58.17, 70.II.

wideferh, adv. always, forever: 37.8,21.

widgiel, adj. -1. wide-spread, extensive: comp. nsm. widgielra 38.51, widgelra 38.83. -2. wandering: dsm. widgalum 18.5.

widlist, m. wide road: ns. 17.6. wido, see wudu.

wif, n. woman, wife: ns. 23.II, 48.5, wiif 34.5; ds. wife 18.32; gs. wifes 34.12, 88.3; np. wif 28a.6, 28b.6; dp. wifum 23.1, 44.1.

wifel, m. weevil, beetle: as. 38.73.

wig, n. fight, battle, war: as. 3.3, 13.23.

wiga, m. warrior: ns. 13.8, 48.1, 49.6, 71.28; gs. wigan 12.1 [MS. wiga], 89.22. See folc~, guð-wiga.

wiht, f.n. -1. creature, being, person: ns. 16.1, 18.1, 21.2, 22.1, 23.1, 26.13, 27.7, 29.4,19, 24, 30.5,14, 31.1, 36.6, 37.1, 38.87, 39.9, 65.16, 67.1, 78.1, 80.1, 82.1, 85.2; as. 27.1, 32.1, 34.1, 36.1, 37.26, 54.2, 56.2, 65.2, 66.1, 83.1, wihte 35.1; ds. wihte 54.5; gs. wihte 27.14, 34.14; np. wihte 40.16; ap. wihte 55.1, wyhte 40.1, wuhte 49.1; gp. wihta 26.8, 37.14, 40.8, 80.4. -2. anything (or w. neg. nothing): as. 2.II, 29.14, 56.10, 63.1 See no~, o-wiht.

wiht, adv. at all: 13.23, 26.10 [MS. win].

wihte, adv. at all: 45.6.

wilcuma, m. welcome, that which is welcome: gp. wilcumena 6.II.

wilgehleþa, m. familiar companion, comrade: ap. wilgehlepan 12.5.

willa, m. will, wish, desire, pleasure: ns. 76.1; as. willan 18.33, 27.10, 52.6, 71.7, ?willa[. 61.7; ip. willum 83.7 (adv.), 87.II, 89.2; gp. wilna 26.10.

willan, v.AN. wish, will, desire: 1s. wille 47.9; 3s. wile 33.II, 37.5, 41.10, 42.5, 74.4, 87.9; 3p. willa5 14.7, 24.18; pret.. 3s. wolde 83.7, walde 27.5; subj. pres. 3s. wille 41.14, 57.15. Neg. nellan, wish not, will not: 1s. nelle 21.15.

wilnian, v.II. desire: 3p. wilniað 47.7.

ge-win, n. battle, strife: as. 18.1, 21.2; gs. gewinnes 14.4. See guð~, stream-gewinn.

win, n. wine: ds. wine 12.17, 40.16, 44.1.

wincel, m. corner: ds. wincle 43.1, 52.2 [MS. winc sele].

wind, m. wind: ns. 8.10, 38.68; ds. winde 12.14, 14.1, 28a.1, 28b.1, 38.81.

windan, v.3. twist, roll, curl: pp. wunden 26.5, 53.3, npm. wundne 38.104, npf. wundene 33.5. See be~, ymb-windan.

ge-windan, v.3. wind, twist: pp. apm. gewundne 38.99.

winnan, v.3. strive, struggle, labor: inf. 14.1; 1s. winne 1.97, 4.7 (fight, make war); 3s. winneð 1.49; prp. nsm. winnende 1.23,78, 49.6, asf. winnende 54.2.

winterceald, adj. wintry-cold: nsm. 2.7.

wir, m. wire, ornamental wire, (plural) ornaments: ns. 18.4; is. wire 24.14, 69.5; ip. wirum 15.2, 18.32, 38.47.

wirboga, m. twisted ornamental wire: ip. wirbogum 12.3.

wis, adj. wise, learned: nsm. 30.14; dsm. wisum 29.24. See medwis.

wisdom, m. wisdom: as. 91.9; ds. wisdome 65.5.

wise, f. -1. manner, custom, nature: ns. 34.14, 76.II (w. pun on meaning #2?); as. wisan 9.8, 18.II, 67.1 (w. pun on meaning #2?), 71.5,29, 80.7; ip. wisum 29.2, 30.2. -2. melody, song: as. wisan 6.4. -3. stalk: as. wisan 63.4. See sceawendwise.

wisfaest, adj. wise, learned: nsm. 33.14; dsm. wisfaestum 26.13; dpm. wisfaestum 39.9; gpm. wisfaestra 65.16.